Hope Place

Giving Hope to those who need it.

Laborer at The Wellspring
2 min readJul 25, 2022

Hope Place was set up with the purpose of helping the needy and the under privileged in Kuching and its surrounding areas.

1. Please introduce yourself and the organization you are working for. What is Hope Place? What do they do?

Hope Place was set up with the purpose of helping the needy and the underprivileged in Kuching and its surrounding areas by providing basic food aid.

Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

2. What have you learnt from being a social worker in Hope Place?

I have learnt to be kind and have a compassionate heart for the need as well as not being judgmental.

3. What do you think the public can do more to help those in need?

They can give more chances for working opportunities even though they are low education.

4. What are the mistakes people make when we do social work — in your opinion?

Judging before understanding the family conditions of those who are needy.

5. Some people desire to set up a similar organization where they stay — perhaps it is in a more remote setting, or in between the city area and the outskirts — what are your thoughts of setting up something similar in order to help meet the needs of the public?

it is good to set up more similar organizations or even better, be of service to one of the existing ones!

6. Does Hope Place accept volunteers? How can the public get connected with the organization?

They can always sign up to be the volunteers by filling our volunteer form (Online (Link) or offline).

They can always contact us through our Facebook, Instagram, website or our hotline ( WhatsApp: +60 13 567 2775/ 082505987).

7. How can we give to Hope Place?

  • Direct Transfer, Touch n Go e-wallet, Sarawak Pay e-wallet, cash donation or foods aid donation

Hope Place

Survey Lot 3238, Sublot 25, TT3 Commercial Centre, Jalan Canna, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak.

Need hope? Call: 082 505 987

Or e-mail: admin@hopeplace.org.my

Photo by Rob Wicks on Unsplash



Laborer at The Wellspring

•Christian, Engineer, Journalist. Strive: Apologist, Teacher, Artist, Translator, Disaster Relief Worker, Anti-Human Trafficking, Paramedic, Linguist, Ch. Plntr